Curriculum Vitae

Jack Meeks

Address: Section of Microbiology
              Division of Biological Sciences
              University of California
              Davis, CA 95616
              Telephone: 530-752-3346
              Fax: 530-752-9014
              Electronic Mail:

Education: 1966 B.A. Biology, Central Washington University, Ellensberg, Washington.
              1967 M.S. Biology, Central Washington University, Ellensberg, Washington (Thesis:
       "Purification and Properties of Triosephosphate Isomerase from Selected Chlorophyta".  
              Advisor: D. L. Willson).  
              1972 Ph.D. Biology, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon (Thesis: "Growth and Photosynthetic   
               Characteristics of an Extreme Thermophilic Blue-Green Alga". Advisor: R. W. Castenholz).        

Postdoctoral Positions:
       1972: (summer): Post-Doctoral Fellow in Bacteriology, West Yellowstone Laboratory, University of     
               Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. (In the laboratory of T. D. Brock.)
              1972-74: Leverhulme Visiting Fellow, University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland.
              (In the laboratory of W. D. P. Stewart.)

       1975-77: Research Associate, MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory, Michigan State University,                 
       East Lansing, Michigan. (In the laboratory of C. P. Wolk.)

Faculty Positions:

              1974-75: Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.
       1977-84: Assistant Professor of Bacteriology, University of California, Davis.
       1984-89: Associate Professor of Microbiology, University of California, Davis.
       1989-date: Professor of Microbiology, University of California, Davis.

Sabbatical Leaves:

       1985-86: Visiting Scholar, University of Chicago, Chicago. (In the laboratory of R. Haselkorn.)
       1993: Visiting Scholar, Institut Pasteur, Paris. (In the laboratory of N. Tandeau de Marsac.)

       1998: Visiting Professor, University of California, San Francisco. (In the laboratory of C. Gross.)
       1999: Visiting Scholar, Institut Pasteur, Paris. (In the laboratory of N. Tandeau de Marsac.)

Member: American Society for Microbiology; Society for General Microbiology; American
             Society for Plant Physiology; Phycological Society of America.

Editor: Microbiology (formerly Journal of General Microbiology) (1990-1995).

Editorial Boards: Journal of General Microbiology (1988-1990); Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
      International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology (1988-date). Archives of Microbiology (1998-date)

            Ad hoc reviewer for: J. Bacteriology, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, 
            New Phytologist, Microbiology, FEMS Microbiological Letters, European J. Biochemistry, Proceedings of         
          the National Academy of Sciences USA, EMBO J., Plant Physiology.

Service: Co-Chair: Annual Meeting of the West Coast Bacterial Physiologists (1985-date)
      Member: Scientific Advisory Committee, International Symposium of Phototrophic Prokaryotes

      Grant Advisory panels: USDA, NRICGP Nitrogen Fixation/Nitrogen Metabolism program;
      DOE, Energy Biosciences; NSF, MCB Metabolic Biochemistry. NIH, NCI Ad hoc Technical
      Review panel.
      Ad hoc Reviewer for: NSF, multiple programs; USDA, multiple programs; DOE, multiple programs.

Teaching Responsibilities:

      Microbial Ecology (Mic 120 and 120L). Lecture (3 units) and Laboratory (2 units), upper
      division course, full responsibility, taught annually in the Spring term.

      Microbial Diversity (Mic 200A). Lecture (3 units), graduate core course, one-third responsibility.

      Seminar in Microbiology (Mic 292). Graduate seminar (1 unit), full responsibility, taught at
            various nonsequential times.

Areas of Research Interest:
           Genetics, physiology and ecology of Cyanobacteria, especially differential gene expression during             
     cellular differentiation; microbial ecology; symbiotic associations; nitrogen fixation and metabolism.

Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows: Master's degree students, 4; Doctoral degree students, 8;       
           Postdoctoral  and senior level fellows, 6.